The RoAD project (Responsible AV Data) is a research project looking at the data recorded by self-driving cars. These vehicles need to record certain types of data in order to improve performance, but also to allow for investigation in the event of an accident or an incident (such as a near-miss). This might include video-recording all around the vehicle as it moves down the street, or video- or audio-recording inside the vehicle.The project is carrying out a survey to find out what members of the public know about the data-recording capabilities of autonomous vehicles (self-driving cars), and what thoughts they have about it.

This survey seeks to:

  • Assess UK citizens’ awareness of recording devices in autonomous vehicles, and any previous experience they may have with the functionality of such recording devices
  • Measure attitudes towards the recording devices in autonomous vehicles
  • Evaluate citizens’ willingness to have their data recorded while in and around autonomous vehicles
  • Determine what citizens expect with regard to the data that is recorded by autonomous vehicles

We are also looking at whether attitudes, knowledge and opinions vary depending on factors such as gender, age, ethnicity, type of road use, and driving experience. If you would like to participate in the survey, please click here or copy and paste the address into your browser search bar: